Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, October 7th

What we covered on Thursday, October 7th:  

* Talked about rhetorical critique vs. idea critique (Rhetorical critique deals more with the rhetorical triangle, logos, ethos, pathos, investigation of audience, investigation of sources used. Usually this is closed form prose about closed form prose. Idea critique usually applies more to open-form prose, like poetry, stories, or plays. In this type of critique, you apply your own personal experience to the ideas in the piece. Mostly, you’re looking to agree or disagree with the ideas and themes expressed in the piece, not a close reading of what the author is doing)
* Completed a freewrite about how you read for pleasure versus when you read for school
* Talked about how reading for pleasure tends to lean toward open-form prose and engages more idea critique than rhetorical critique (i.e. people tend to be more focused on whether or not they agree with the general goals of the piece than on how the piece is written and how the argument is functioning
* Watched Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous I Have a Dream speech and analyzed it rhetorically as a group. 

Homework for Thursday: 

* Summary exercise. WRITE: A 4 - 7 sentence summary of a movie, book, or TV show episode that you like. Be sure to cover all the main points, but make sure your summary only fits into a couple of sentences. 

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